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Privacy Statement - KVKK Policy

Website Privacy Policy
During your visit to this website and your use of the information/services offered through this website, how the information we obtain about you and the information/services you request will be used and protected is subject to the terms set out in this "Privacy Policy". By visiting this website and requesting to benefit from the services we offer through this website, you agree to the terms set out in this "Privacy Policy"


I. Purpose of the personal data protection and processing policy
Until today, due to the sensitivity of the information and services we provide as Mak Çelik, the data from our customers or prospective customers have been kept confidential and not shared with third parties. Protection of personal data is the basic policy of our company. Before any legal regulation, the company and our subsidiaries attached importance to the confidentiality of personal data and adopted this as a working principle, and employees also have working instructions in line with this principle. As Mak Çelik, we undertake to comply with all responsibilities imposed by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. Mak Çelik's principles regarding the protection of personal data also cover our subsidiaries.


II. Scope and amendment of the personal data protection and processing policy
This policy prepared by Mak Çelik has been prepared in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK"). The data obtained from you with your consent or due to other legal compliance listed in the Law will be used for the purpose of improving the quality of the services we provide, improving the services offered to you and our quality policy. Again, some of the data we have are de-personalised and anonymised. These data are data used for statistical purposes and are not subject to the application of the Law and our Policy. Mak Çelik Policy on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data" aims to protect the automatically obtained data of our customers, prospective customers, employees and customers and employees of companies working in solution partnership with us or other persons and includes the relevant regulations. Mak Çelik has the right to change our Policy and Regulation, provided that it is in compliance with the Law and personal data is better protected.


III. Basic rules on the processing of personal data
a) Compliance with the law and honesty rules: "Mak Çelik" questions the source of the data it collects or receives from other companies and attaches importance to obtaining them in accordance with the law and honesty rules. Within this framework, "Mak Çelik" makes necessary warnings and notifications to the third parties selling the services provided by "Mak Çelik" in order to protect the data.
b) Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary: "Mak Çelik" attaches importance to ensure that all the data within its organisation are accurate, do not contain false information and finally, if there is a change in personal data, to update them as soon as they are communicated to it.
c) Processing for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes: "Mak Çelik" only processes the data it provides and obtains the consent of the persons during the service. It does not process, use or make available data for purposes other than business purposes.
d) Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purpose for which they are processed: "Mak Çelik" only uses the data limited to the purpose for which they are processed and to the extent required by the service.
e) Retention for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed: "Mak Çelik" retains the data arising from the contracts for the duration of the dispute periods of the Law and the requirements of commercial and tax law. However, it deletes or anonymises the data when these purposes cease to exist.


Maximum Savings Principle/Sparsimony Principle
According to this principle, which is called the principle of maximum saving or the principle of stinginess, the data reaching "Mak Çelik" are processed into the system only as much as necessary. Therefore, which data we collect is determined according to the purpose. Unnecessary data are not collected. Other data transferred to Mak Çelik are transferred to Mak Çelik information systems in the same way.


Deletion of personal data
When the periods required to be kept by law expire, judicial processes are completed or other requirements are eliminated, personal data are deleted, destroyed or anonymised by our company automatically or upon the request of the person concerned.


Accuracy and timeliness of data
As a rule, the data held by "Mak Çelik" are processed upon the declaration of the data subjects as declared by them. "Mak Çelik" is not obliged to investigate the accuracy of the data declared by customers or persons in contact with "Mak Çelik", nor is this done legally and due to our working principles. The declared data shall be accepted as correct. The principle of accuracy and currency of personal data has also been adopted by "Mak Çelik". Our company updates the personal data it has processed upon the official documents received or upon the request of the relevant person. It takes necessary measures for this.


Privacy and data security
Personal data is confidential and "Mak Çelik" respects this confidentiality. Personal data can only be accessed by authorised persons within the company. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by "Mak Çelik" and to prevent unauthorised access and to prevent our customers and prospective customers from becoming victims. Within this framework, it is ensured that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy is complied with within the company.


IV. Purposes of data processing
The collection and processing of personal data by "Mak Çelik" shall be carried out in line with the purposes specified in the clarification text. The data are collected and processed for the purpose of establishing the contract and providing better service to the customers.


V. Customer, prospective customer and business and solution partners data
As "Mak Çelik", we process your personal data in the capacity of data controller within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and other relevant legislation. The categories and descriptions of personal data to be processed in this context are as follows: Name, Surname, Address, Telephone Number, E-Mail Address.
- Customer comments, feedback and complaint data: Comments, opinions and complaints.
- Other: Participation in competitions, sweepstakes or marketing programmes, website membership information.


Collection and processing of data for the contractual relationship
If a contractual relationship has been established with our customers and prospective customers, the personal data collected may be used without the consent of the customer. However, this use is realised in line with the purpose of the contract. The data are used for the better execution of the contract and the requirements of the service and are updated by contacting the customers when necessary. On the other hand, the data left to us by our prospective customers (prospective customers) are processed in order to provide them with easier and higher quality service afterwards. These data are deleted upon their request if they have not turned into a contractual relationship.


Business and Solution Partners Data
"Mak Çelik" adopts the principle of acting in accordance with the law when sharing data with both business and solution partners. Data is shared with business and solution partners with the commitment of data confidentiality and only as much data as required by the service and these parties are obliged to take measures to ensure data security.


Data processing for advertising purposes
Regulation of E-Commerce. In accordance with the Law and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages. In accordance with the Regulation, electronic messages for advertising purposes may only be sent to persons for whom prior consent has been obtained. The consent of the person to whom the advertisement will be sent must be explicitly available. "Mak Çelik" complies with the details of "approval" determined in accordance with the same legislation. The approval to be obtained should cover all commercial electronic messages sent to the electronic communication addresses of the recipients in order to promote, market, promote your company's goods and services, promote its business or increase its recognition with content such as celebrations and wishes. This consent can be obtained in writing in physical environment or by any means of electronic communication. The important thing is that the recipient's positive declaration of will, name and surname and electronic communication address that the recipient accepts the sending of commercial electronic messages.


Company data processing
"Mak Çelik may process personal data in line with the information/service it provides and its legitimate purposes. However, the data can in no way be used for unlawful services.


Processing special categories of data
According to the Law, data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership to associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are special categories of personal data. "Mak Çelik" also takes adequate measures determined by the Board in the processing of special categories of personal data. "Mak Çelik" may process special categories of personal data only for the purpose for which they were collected with the consent of the persons in order to provide better services.


Data processed by automated systems
"Mak Çelik" acts in accordance with the Law regarding the data processed through automated systems. The information obtained from these data without the explicit consent of the persons cannot be used against the person. However, ""Mak Çelik" may take decisions regarding the persons it will process by using the data in its own system.


User information and internet
In the event that personal data is collected, processed and used in the websites and other systems or applications belonging to "Mak Çelik", the relevant persons are informed about the privacy statement and, if necessary, about cookies. Persons are informed about our applications on the web pages. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the law. When you visit our web page, we present the following information to your attention regarding the cookies we use / will use on our page.


Data processed by automated systems Data processed in relation to employees by automated systems may be used for internal promotions and performance evaluations. Our employees have the right to object to the result that goes against them and they do so in accordance with internal procedures. The objections of the employees are also evaluated within the company.


Google (Analytics, Doubleclick)
Purpose of Using Cookies: Keeping site statistics, measuring advertisement in-site improvement
Cookie Type: Functional and analytical cookies commercial cookies.
Purpose of Using Cookies: Feedback, customer comments, customer call tracking.
Cookie Type: Functional and analytical cookies commercial cookies.


Purpose of Using Cookies: Feedback, contact forms, customer call tracking.
Cookie Type: Functional and analytical cookies.


Functional and Analytical
Cookies contain data about remembering your preferences, using the website effectively, optimising the site to respond to user requests and how visitors use the site. Due to their nature, cookies of this type may contain your personal information such as username etc.


Third Party Cookies
Mak Çelik websites/mobile applications/mobile websites work with third party reliable, recognised advertisement providers. Third party service providers place their own cookies in order to provide you with customised advertisements. Cookies placed by third parties collect, process and analyse the browsing information of visitors on websites and how they use them.


Commercial Cookies
It serves to increase your usage experience by presenting products/content similar to the ones you have targeted in line with your interests and choices and by offering a more advanced, personalised advertising portfolio. The above-mentioned session, persistent, functional and analytical and commercial cookies are kept in the background for approximately 2 (two) months and the necessary adjustments can be made in the individual internet browser settings. Removal from these settings may vary depending on the internet browser.


How can I delete cookies?
Many internet browsers are set to automatically accept and use cookies from the first installation on your computer. You can use your browser's help or settings menus to block cookies or to be alerted when cookies are sent to your device. You can use your browser's instruction or help options screen to learn different ways to manage cookies and to get detailed information about how to adjust the settings of the browser you are using.


VII. Transfer of personal data domestically and internationally
Personal data may be shared with business and solution partners in order to provide services by "Mak Çelik".


"Mak Çelik" may transfer personal data to the following persons and institutions for certain purposes;
" Business partners of "Mak Çelik" limited to the purpose of ensuring the fulfilment of the purposes of establishment of the business partnership,
" To the suppliers of "Mak Çelik" for the limited purpose of providing our Company with the services required to fulfil Mak Çelik's commercial activities, which are outsourced by our Company from the supplier,
" To the solution partners of "Mak Çelik" limited to ensuring the execution of our Company's commercial activities that require the participation of affiliates,
"Mak Çelik" is authorised to transfer personal data domestically and internationally within the conditions determined by the Board in accordance with the other conditions in the Law and subject to the consent of the person.


VIII. Rights of the person concerned
"Mak Çelik" acknowledges that the data subject has the right to obtain the consent of the data subject before the data is processed within the scope of the Law and that the data subject has the right to determine the fate of the data after the data is processed.


In relation to personal data by applying to our contact person announced by "Mak Çelik" on our website;
a) To learn whether their personal data is being processed or not,
b) Request information if personal data has been processed,
c) To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
ç) To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
d) To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
e) To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7,
f) To request notification of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
g) To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analysing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
ğ) In the event that personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand compensation for the damage.
On the other hand, individuals do not have any right in relation to anonymised data within the Company. "Mak Çelik" may share personal data with the relevant institutions and organisations in accordance with the business and contractual relationship, for the purpose of a judicial duty or for the state authority to exercise its legal powers.


Personal data owners may submit their requests regarding the above-mentioned rights by filling out the contact form on the official website of Mak Çelik completely and signing it with wet signature and sending it to the contact address specified below, by registered letter with return receipt requested and by sending it with copies of their identity cards (for identity card, only the photocopy of the front side). Your applications will be answered as soon as possible depending on the content of your application or within 30 days at the latest after it is received by our company. You must send your applications by registered letter with return receipt. In addition, only the part of your applications related to you will be answered, and an application made about your spouse, relative or friend will not be accepted. "Mak Çelik" may request other relevant information and documents from the applicants.


IX. Confidentiality Principle
The data of employees and other persons in "Mak Çelik" are confidential. No one may use, copy, reproduce, transfer, transfer to others, or use these data for any other purpose other than business purposes without compliance with the contract or law.


X. Process Security
All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by "Mak Çelik" and to prevent unauthorised access and to prevent our customers and prospective customers from being victimised. Within this framework, it is ensured that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy is complied with within the company. Security measures are constantly renewed and improved.


XI. Audit
"Mak Çelik" carries out the necessary internal and external audits on the protection of personal data.


XII. Notification of Violations
"Mak Çelik," when notified of any breach of personal data, takes immediate action to remedy the breach in question. It minimises the damage of the data subject and compensates the damage. When personal data is obtained by unauthorised persons from outside, it immediately notifies the Personal Data Protection Board.


Applications can also be made according to the procedures specified in the contact section of the Mak Çelik" website regarding the notification of violations.


Regarding the requests made in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data
As announced on the Privacy and KVKK pages, all applications will be processed if possible complaints are sent to the address on the contact page by registered letter with return receipt together with a copy of the identity card.
Rights related to personal data can only be used about the data belonging to the individuals themselves. Possible complaints and requests regarding the data of persons other than the person himself/herself with a photocopy of identity card attached will not be taken into consideration. Forms that do not include a photocopy of identity card will not be taken into consideration. Even when data deletion requests are fulfilled, we inform you that we are obliged to share the data with the official authorities if requested by the official authorities.


Changes to the Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy:
"Mak Çelik" reserves the right to make changes on the statements herein. If a significant change is made to the statement, a link to the current statement is added to the main page of the website. Guests who have registered for any of our products or services can be informed about this issue through the communication channel provided to the facilities. The last time the declaration was updated and the update number are indicated at the end of this text.


Any changes made to the declaration become effective upon publication of the amended declaration on the website. Any use of the site or any of our products and services following such changes constitutes your acceptance of the amended statement in effect at that time.


Policy Update: 30.05.2022.KVKK Statement


For questions regarding the confidentiality agreement, you can contact us using the information on the contact page.


Best regards
Mak Steel

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